Thursday, August 27, 2009

Coming Home

It's hard to believe this day has finally come. We have been working for nearly 2-1/2 years to get our daughter home from Haiti. This morning Daniela got up early. She was all smiles because she got dressed in nice clothes (she's all girl). She got on a plane in Cap Haitien, and flew to Port-au-Prince. She went to the American Embassy, and sat before the Consulate... again. Then she was issued a Visa.

That means she's coming home! The date is not certain, but Daniela should be home by Sept. 12, 2009.


  1. So excited for you! I will continue praying that all goes smoothly.

    By the way, are you going to the Advocate National Conference?

  2. Wow -- that's wonderful news! I'll bet you are plenty ready for this homecoming! Congratulations!

  3. Great news...praising God with you guys!

  4. We are so excited too! I can't wait to see her home.

  5. Great News ;-)
    I love her picture ;-)

  6. Wow, Michael. WOW. Long time comin'. Even longer since it's FAMILY we're talkin' about! God is good. Way to hang in there, bro.

  7. Just found your story and am THRILLED! Whenever I see progress on the Haiti adoption front, I am thanking God!

    Jill, adopting Samuel Chancelet
